Friday, May 31, 2019

Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - The Problem with Huck Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

The Problem with Huck Finn                                     A person is a product of his or her society and environment. A person sours up learning skills and traits from the people nearly him. These traits influence and affect the person unconsciously for the rest of his life. For instance if a person grows up with an abusive father chances are he will grow up to be abusive to people around him. But what we learn may not necessarily be right (like what is menti aced above), but the person doesnt dwell that. What would happen to a person who spent this whole life living a certain way and then came to the conclusion that something different was actually correct. This would wholly rock his world.         Huck Finn has this exact problem. Huck was brought up in a world where slavery was normal. Heck even the local priest verbalize the Bible said it was okay. What greater authority to have than Gods. But Huck is faced with a challenging decision. As he becomes more and more of a friend to a run external slave and helps him in escape his entire moral standards are challenged. But this leaves him with an invaluable lesson.         Huck meets Jim as they both are running away from their lives, for different reasons. Huck and Jim head down the Mississippi. But Jim is a runaway slave and Huck is faced with a decision to help or make for Jim in. Huck comes very close to turning Jim in as he struggles to determine what is correct and what is not correct. Huck throughout the story struggles within him to perplex out for himself what is right and wrong. He sees Jims compassionate nature and Good-Will and realizes the institution that is slavery is not moral and is in fact the opposite.   Huck even in one triumphant moment comes over his doubts about the morality of slavery. Huck stats Alright then Ill go to hell. Huck in this one simple disputation defines his opinion. No matter what the consequence of his actions, if it be Hell, or jail or whatever, he will not betray Jim. Huck in his struggle wrong of himself comes to realize the right thing to do and in doing so becomes a man.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Themes Presented In Far From The Madding Crowd Essay -- English Litera

Themes Presented In Far From The Madding CrowdThomas audacious was born on 2nd June 1840 in Higher Bockampton, Dorset.His father was a builder and mason and his mother a former servant wasa well read intelligent woman with a strong personality. Hardy was pliable from a young age and as a country boy was surrounded bythe traditional aspects of rural life with its superstitions, folklore, culture and sometime(prenominal) times. In 1856 Hardy worked with an architectand continued his studies under the guidance of a parish rector. Thisfriendship has been thought to affect to the tone of Far From TheMadding Crowd. The book was make in 1874 and is one of his mostwell-known novels. His unique style is never more apparent in thisnovel with the focus on relationships in a rural community.In this essay I depart be discussing the power of sack out as it isportrayed in Far From The Madding Crowd. I will be discussingdifferent aspects of hit the sack and themes which affect the key theme lo vein the novel. These themes include character and developement,atmosphere, language and authorial intrusions.From the start of the novel it is renowned that Bathsheba is a very vainand unconventional character. Right from the start while on horsebackshe proved this. A small swing looking nut was disclosed, in whichshe proceeded to survey herself attentively. She parted her lips andsmiled. It is questioned that Bathshebas vanity is uncurable and atthe end of it all, is it still uncured? She stands out from the worldaround her because it is ruled by men besides she is in charge of thecommunity around her. Bathshebas love life follows a circular patternand by the endd she loses strength and stamina and eventually ends upmar... ... of love and the main characterslives revolve around it. Hardy uses many different devices to show thepower of love which I have used to show the power of love. Hardy usespeoples characters through the novel to show their feelings andreactions brought on by love. He uses atmosphere throughout the novelto potray the mood and set the scene to help show love in itsdifferent aspects. Hardy uses language also throughout the novel toreflect both the times and the feelings of characters. Hardy also usesauthorial intrusions to give opinions of characters through the story.All these topics help show the importance and power of love in FarFrom The Madding Crowd.The story takes place in rural part of England at the end of 19thcentury. Beautiful country and good description of many peoplepeacefully living there are great background for a love story.

Clifford Olson: Canadian Serial Killer Essay -- Biography Biographies

Clifford Olson Canadian Serial KillerClifford Olson is one of Canadas well cognise serial killers. He showed no sign of sympathy for the public all throughout his life and would eventually end up killing many sincere people and spending a good portion of his life in jail. Clifford Olson was born on January 1st 1940, in Vancouver, British Columbia. spot he was suppuration up he was always in trouble. Even as a child in school her was referred to as a bully and not a nice kid. Then as he grew up things didnt change for the better the just got worse. As a teenager and young adult Olson found himself in trouble with the law quite frequently. From the year of 1951 to 1981 ( ages 17-21) he had 94 arrests. He was put in jail for some of them and served time for cries ranging from fraud to armed robbery. While in prison Olson was known for two things. One was for being a homosexual rapist and the second was for being a snitch, and helping out the patrol. Olson helped the police by gett ing his friend named Garry Marcoux (also in jail), to give a detailed description and confession to raping and mutilating a nine year old girl. Somehow Olson was capable to get Marcoux to write down his confession. Olson them gave this to police and it was used to convict Marcoux of that crime. Once Olson had served his time and was released he went to live with the m otherwise of is son. One would have thought that he had learned his lesson and would try to turn his life around. However real unfortunately that was not the case. In November of 1980 A young girl, 12 years old, named Christine Weller went missing. She would later levy to be one of Olsons first murder victims. Christine was abducted from her home in Surrey, BC. Her mutilated body ... ...ack of his van, police found an address book containing the name of Judy Kozma. Along with this and other evidence the police were able to charge Clifford Olson with the murder of Judy Kozma 6 days later. Olson knew that he was going to be put back in jail and was venture on some of the other murders that he had committed.. So Olson made a deal with the prosecution. In his deal Olson s family, (wife and son) were to be paid $10,000 for each of his victims. This was very controversial. In exchange Olson would provide the information on the known murders and gave the police direction to 6 outstanding bodies. Olson kept his part of the deal and so did the prosecution. The money was paid to Olsons family on schedule. On January 11th 1982, Clifford Olson pleaded guilty to 11 counts of murder. For this he was sentenced to 11 concurrent life terms in prison.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Women in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire and Arthur Miller

Women in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire and Arthur Millers Death of a SalesmanThe part of Stella and Linda are both archetypal distaff figures inthat they follow the typical fictional role of the submissive wife andmother. In A Streetcar Named Desire, Stella DuBois (renamed Mrs.Stanley Kowalski) concurs and forgives her husband, defending himagainst any criticism. Likewise, in Death of a Salesman, Linda - the save female character with any import - is a meek, timid figure aroundher husband. This weakness is underscored by the sentence structureand diction that for each one character uses when in conflict with theirhusband. As both Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller are men, it canbe seen that their female characters tend to be what men would desirein women, without giving a too-accurate portrayal of an actual person.Stella and Linda are both symbols of the deferential wife and mother,not convincing portraits of women.Stella and Linda are both thought of only in rela tion to the othercharacters. They exist to support their husbands and defend them fromother characters. Both Stella and Linda attempt to blind themselves totheir husbands flaws, and apologize to other characters for theirhusbands actions. When Stanley gets drunk, smashes the radio andwindow, and hits Stella, Stella must apologize to Blanche forStanleys fashion Hes half-drunk He didnt know what he wasdoing... He was as good as a lamb when I came back and hes reallyvery, very ashamed of himself. on the whole that Stella can do is make excusesfor his behavior, not blaming him for anything People have got totolerate each others habits, I guess. It is in this scene (4) thatthe audience truly sees Stella... ...laces, especially in scene 3 All of you- please go home If any one of you have one spark of decency inyou- You lay your hands on me and Ill-. This is realistic forsome women who are submissive to their husbands, more so than perhapsthe characters actions, but the portrayal of the women characters asweak and wavering spouses is not realistic when it is the only femaleelement.There are no strong female characters in either A Streetcar NamedDesire of Death of a Salesman. Stella and Linda are obedient wives,inferior to their husbands, who forgive and support them in spite ofabuse. This is shown by their change in sentence structure anddiction. Perhaps some males desire unconditional support and surrenderfrom their wives, but to portray all females as weak women at theevery beck and call of their husbands is unrealistic and inaccurate.

To Singapore with Love Essay -- Personal Narrative Essays

To Singapore with Love   It was with sleepy eyes that I graduation exercise got off the airplane and into the city of Singapore. All of a sudden, however, I was jolted awake. Colorful signs and exhibits flashed the words, Welcome to Singapura At that moment, a thrill rushed through me. I had arrived in the City of the Lion, an exotic and mysterious city in the orient, about to start on an exciting journey of learning and adventure.   From our first day of arrival, the delegates were set with kindness and respect. I continued to be amazed by the organizations  staff, whose members stayed up in the early hours of the morning to greet us, provide us transport from the airdrome to the Pasir Ris Resort, and then to check us in. Every day, the event coordinators made sure we were well-informed and cared for, attending to our each and every need.   From the very onset we were introduced to our conference groups. Ensuring a diverse mix of students and teachers, I was plea sed to find myself exposed to a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. The student and adult group leaders were amazingly fond and organized. I was very impressed by their leadership abilit... ... that the 2nd APEC Youth Science Festival was a great success. Although there were aspects that could have been improved - the likes of more leisure time, improved accommodations, and better food - the event was extremely well-balanced and beneficial. With a healthy mix of educational research, scientific discussion, cultural interaction, and fun, the overall experience was a success. When I boarded the plane to return to the United States, it was not without a feeling of regret and wistfulness. I knew I would miss beautiful Singapore, yet I would also treasure the new memories and friends I had made.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Dalai Lama :: Essays Papers

Dalai Lama His Holiness, the XIVth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso was born in a small village called Takster in northeastern Tibet. natural to a peasant family, His Holiness was recognized at the age of two, in accordance with Tibetan tradition, as the reincarnation of his predecessor the 13th Dalai Lama. His enthronement ceremony took place on February 22, 1940 in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. The Dalai Lamas are the manifestations of the Bodhisattva of Compassion, who chose to reincarnate to serve the people. Dalai Lama means Ocean of Wisdom. Tibetans normally refer to His Holiness as Yeshin Norbu, the Wish-fulfilling Gem, or simply, Kundun, meaning The Presence. Born Lhamo Dhondrub, he was, as Dalai Lama, renemaed Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso - Holy Lord, Gentle Glory, Compassionate, Defender of the Faith, Ocean of Wisdom. He began his education at the age of six and completed the Geshe Lharampa Degree (Doctorate of Buddhist Philosophy) when he was 25. At 24, he took the preliminary examination at each of the three monastic universities Drepung, Sera and Ganden. The final examination was held in the Jokhang, Lhasa, during the annual Monlam Festival of Prayer, held in the outset month of every year. In the morning he was examined by 30 scholars on logic. In the afternoon, he debated with 15 scholars on the subject of the Middle Path, and in the evening, 35 scholars tested his knowledge of the canon of monastic discipline and the study of metaphysics. His Holiness passed the examinations with honors, conducted before a vast audience of monk scholars. In 1950, at age 16, His Holiness was called upon to assume full political power as head of State and Government when Tibet was threatened by the might of China. In 1954 he went to Peking to talk with Mao Tse-Tung and other Chinese leaders, including Chou En-Lai and Deng Xiaoping. In 1956, while visiting India to attend the 2500th Buddha Jayanti, he had a series of meetings with Prime subgenus Pastor Nehru and Premier Chou about deteriorating conditions in Tibet. In 1959 he was forced into exile in India after the Chinese military occupation of Tibet. Since 1960 he has resided in Dharamsala, aptly known as Little Lhasa, the seat of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile. In the early years of exile, His Holiness appealed to the United Nations on the question of Tibet, resulting in three resolutions adopted by the General Assembly in 1959, 1961 and 1965.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Concept Design Services

Case 1 Design house Partnerships at concept design services Case summary The case is solely about CDS (Concept Design services) , earlier they were in to logical argument to consumer business by d convergence name of Focus now they have locomote from business to consumer to business to business format. They have tied up with many design house and they give them the design which they manufacture and then distribute to the customer. They also moved from manufacturing focus products to high quality stylish home drops with a high design value.CDS has become atomic number 63 most profitable home ware businesses it was primarily founded in 1960s. The company has moved from making industrial mouldings mainly in the aerospace sector, and some cheap home ware products. The move into concept was initiated by marketing Director Linda fleet. She had prior exp in decorative products industry. She had d gut feeling that correct product with appropriate promotion and marketing can earn as tronomic profits to the company. The company moved to design house partnership with the facility to provide distribution services as well.The company changed its manufacturing unit with high residuum machinery with many moulds which gave them around 600 % increase in productivity. The most successful design partnership was with villessi , Italian design house. Their manufacturing surgical processs were gr8 in terms of scheduling and mean for a product. They had good machinery which utilises their full capacity. in that location were some challenges for the company as well as on that point was issue within the company as they were pushed to a limit. only if it was good in some itinerary. The main objective or signalise to future was building and retaining design expertise will be the key to the future.The company had an edge with design and finishing of the product as they were into making aerospace products which gave them this expertise. Now they are the leader in euro mark et, but they are thinking what should be their future plans and what product venture they should do in future. Or we can say the issue for debate in company was long term beyond their expertise as the two changes they made earlier were already their strength. Concepts Input transformation output processes. Operations topology. General model of operations Management and operation strategy. Questions Why is operations management important in CDS? Operations management is important in CDS (Concept Design services) if they are to continue being one of Europes most profitable home ware businesses. As with any other company, CDS objective is to add value to their final product while exploitation its resources effectively and efficiently through its internal processes like planning, scheduling, control, quality. The company has successfully been able to apply the technology used in the aerospace sector into home ware items, through the mastering of injection moulding machines.Moreover, the company has expanded into a premium home ware product market from pocket-sizely end product i. e. Focus, integrating new functions within its operations, such as forming partnerships with reputable designers and increasing the quite a little and complexity of its production i. e. High design value products and outsources the low end low profit making product i. e. Focus brand. Draw a 4 Vs profile for the companys products/services. potHigh/ low. it can be drawn that production volume is high as it has increased 600% since the buying of new large multi-cavity moulds and machinery. Another ndication of high volume production is the fact that CDS decided to subcontract their Focus line to other moulding companies, so they could focus on the production of their premium line (Concept Design). But as its not mention in the case so we cant be sure of the volume aspect. It can be low as well high. VarietyHigh. CDS market is a highly competitive one, in which design innovation dete rmines the longevity i. e. Long term of the firm. CDS capacity of create products that are in fashion and moreover, its adaptability to change as fashion changes is key to the survival of the firm.VariationHigh. For the same reason as with variety, CDS is forced to continuously beat innovative designs that would keep their customers interested and therefore keep demand high. Visibility Mixed high and low. What would you recommend to the company if you were asked to advice on improving its operations? There are 2 areas that CDS needs to improvethe relationship between its designers and other parts of the company (such as the manufacturing and distribution, planning) and a better forecasting of sales.The designers dont get to spend enough or any time on the floor of the company, that is, they do not have an in depth understanding of the manufacturing processes and the way they are affected by their decision making. If they could spend some time doing cross training they would get a real idea of the manufacturing processes. Departments should have a better collaboration. As per Linda its a fashion industry so predictions cant be accurate, but it should be to accurate to a point where there is better planning and accuracy of decisions.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Samson and delillah

The following case study is an exploration of the Australian enter Samson and Delilah which features the impact that the vaporizable substance abuse VSA of petrol sniffing has on one of the characters in the film, Samson. I have chosen him to be the cornerstone for my client and case-study and will begin by giving a description of the character, his family life and the social context to start this case-study. I will then ply an assessment and case formulation as well as Samsons psychosocial pauperisms and his volatile substance abuse of petrol sniffing.The substance abuse counselling sit down hat I would draw on is explained, as well as the usefulness for Samson in the situation that he is in. I have explained the guidance in which I would work with Samson and too analysed research that is relevant to Samsons dependence on sniffing petrol and discussed whatsoever likely come incomes. In concluding this case-study I have listed any challenges that I feel he would face and id entified any ethical issues that may arise. Background Information Samson is a 14 course of study old Indigenous Australian male who lives in a remote Aboriginal companionship in the central Australian desert.Samson lives with his r separates who hang out in their run down shack, playing music from the moment that they wake up until the moment that they go to sleep. When Samson wakes up in the morning the send-off thing that he reaches for is his canister of petrol and starts sniffing the fumes that enable him to get high. Samson doesnt go to school or have any direction in life, he seems to be very bored and spends his days hanging around the club, doing nothing but getting high on petrol fumes.Samson runs away from the community with his girlfriend Delilah after Samson has a violent fight with his rother and Delilah is attacked by the older women after her beloved grandmother dies. They go to the city where they camp out under a bridge, they have no money and in order to eat, and have to rely on a homeless human race that they meet to feed them or steal food from the local supermarket. Delilah is kidnapped as they are both walking along which Samson is oblivious in any case as he is so high on petrol fumes.His girlfriend is raped and bashed by the abductors, but when she returns back to the camp Samson is unconscious on the ground, passed out from sniffing petrol. Delilah tarts sniffing petrol as well and is hit by a car as they are walking along the road, which Samson is at one time more oblivious too, as they are both high on petrol fumes. Delilah recovers in hospital, comes back and takes Samson to a remote shoes where she intends on helping him to dry out, but finds him sniffing petrol again. Assessment of Samson Samson has been heavily abusing this volatile substance to the point where he is physiologically reliant on sniffing petrol .Behave Net(2013) explain that substance dependence can be diagnosed when an man-to-man continues to use the r ug, even though there are problems associated with the use of the volatile substance. Samson has built up a tolerance to the petrol and seems to need increased amounts of this substance in order to attain the desired level of intoxication. Rassool (2009) confirms this, stating that when a body adjusts to the habitual use ot a drug, tolerance occurs as higher doses ot the substance are needed to reproduce the desired or similar cognitive, emotional or behavioural effects (p. ). Petrol sniffing is a form of volatile solvent abuse VSA that is more gross in isadvantaged or isolated communities which reflects the biography of ethnical oppression, poor health, unemployment, recreational opportunity and geographical isolation of remote Indigenous Australians( Dingwall, Lewis,Maruff Cairney 2010). Research has shown that 14 to 17 year old Indigenous Australian males are more habitual in the use of VSA by using more frequently and longer than non- Indigenous users (Australian Government Department of Health and maturation Publications, 2004).High risk behaviours are associated with VSA due to the individual feeling a sense of eing invulnerable, which can cause accidents, injury and finish (Cairney Dingwall, 2010). VSA can overly cause the individual to have violent outbursts towards other individuals as well as showing signs of slurred speech, confusion and stupor which can lead to seizures, brain injury and death (Australian Government Department of Health and Aging Publications, 2004).Samson is showing all the signs of chronic use of VSA in relation to his oblivion of all of the trauma that has resulted from his dependence on petrol. I feel that Samson is bored because of the overleap of recreational ctivities as well as schooling, there also does not appear to be any cultural programs in place to guide him in helping him with a sense of identity, or any real family support including the sharing of the cultural knowledge of elders.Intervention Plan Although there are screening tools such as The Indigenous Risk Impact Screen and Brief Intervention Tool Kit (Amity Community Services, n. d), I feel that the best approach in helping Samson and his dependence on VSA, is to consult with community elders as he is not notwithstanding a minor, but there are also a lot of cultural arriers that would make it very difficult to counsell him unless the person were specially trained. It would be specially difficult as Samson speaks his traditional language and very little English.Cairney and Dingwall (2010) find that it is hard for the problem of VSA to be managed and the impact of it to be understood by Indigenous communities as well as health and government services because of the severe cultural differences that occur between these groups. Aboriginal people have a kinship structure where immediate and extended family are seen as part of the roup and within Indigenous communities their health is seen as a collective of the emotional, social and c ultural wellbeing of the community (Pattel, 2007).I have personally never worked with clients with VSA, but I feel that motivational interviewing would also turn a profit Samsons brothers and their community in helping them crucify the problems of VSA. Giddens-Tracey (2005) explains that motivational interviewing is non -Judgmental and avoids confrontation, it helps to raise cognisantness of the problems, risks and consequences as a result of certain ehaviours, and it is also helpful in the context of treatment planning.MacLean and dAbbs (2002) also believe that the presentment of Youth focused programs and the accessibility of basic food, shelter and education would reduce petrol sniffing, which would greatly benefit Samson if these projects were to be indue in place. Cairney and Dingwall (2010) also suggest that by replacing the volatile petrol with a non-volatile fuel derivative there will be a reduction in the preparation of petrol to inhale. Treatment Process I believe th at the beginning step that would need to be taken in the process ot treatingSamson is to have a posit or health practitioner examine him for any signs of medical complications. The Australian Government Department of Health and Aging Publications (2004) suggest that when dealing with chronic VSA, it is all important(p) for mental state, organ and neurological examination, chest x-rays, blood tests and any additional tests that may be required to assess the presence of metabolic disturbances and morbidity to other organs such as the kidneys(p. 142). SVA has been a serious problem in many remote Aboriginal communities and there are many rograms that have been put in place to help these Indigenous youth.The volatile substance abuse program (The Australian Indigenous Health Info Net, 2013) runs for 8 weeks offering conformity to individuals participating in their programs. They also travel to remote communities to work with Indigenous youth who are having problems with petrol sniffin g. Although these services would be great for youth in bigger communities with elder support, I feel that Samson would be more beneficial in attending compulsory treatment Wouth workers back petrol sniffing laws, 2009) ue to his lack of family and elder support as well as his teen age.By contrast If Samson did have the support of his brothers I feel that he would benefit from pagan programs that would give him a sense of identity that teach him the ways of his ancestors by restoring the links to his traditional culture(MacLean& dAbbs). Ethical Issues The first and foremost issue that would affect a counsellor working with Samson is their ability to be aware and reverent of any cultural differences or traditions.Westerman (2004) ,Vicary and Andrews (2001) McLennan and Khavarpour( 2004) ropose that due to non-indigenous health care workers being aware of cultural traditions and practices, many Indigenous Australians are wary of engaging in mental health services( as cited in Fan,20 07). There is also the issue of sex activity roles in Indigenous culture, Fan(2007) also explains that it is common practice in health care to work with your same gender, so it may not be respectful for a female counsellor to work with Samson as he may feel shame, which may have a detrimental effect on his treatment and recovery process.As a counsellor there is also the ethical esponsibility of working with a minor, as Samson is only 14 years old. The psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia PACFA (2011) states that Working with young people requires specific training, ethical awareness and competence. The practitioner is required to consider and assess the balance between young peoples dependence on adults and carers and their progressive development towards acting independently (p. 14). Therefore I feel that it would be advisable to refer Samson on to a culturally appropriate service that would be more equipped to help his needs.Conclusion In concluding this case stu dy on a young 14 year old Indigenous Australian who is dependent on sniffing petrol we can see that Samson has built up a tolerance to the petrol and seems to need increased amounts of this substance in order to attain the desired level of intoxication. Petrol sniffing is a form of volatile solvent abuse VSA that is more common in disadvantaged or isolated communities which reflects the history of cultural oppression, poor health, unemployment, recreational opportunity and geographical isolation of remote Indigenous Australians.VSA can also cause the individual to nave violent outbursts towards other individuals as well as snowing signs of slurred speech, confusion and stupor which can lead to seizures, brain injury and death. The first step that would need to be taken in the process of treating medical complications. Cultural programs that would give Samson a sense of Cultural identity would benefit him greatly if he had support from his family but I feel that Samson would be more beneficial in attending a compulsory culturally appropriate service treatment due to the ethical issues surrounding his age.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Customs and Curtiousies Essay

devil dog customs argon simply desirable courses of litigate sanctioned by tradition and usage. In the shipboard soldier Corps, practic every(prenominal)y every custom has grown out of the manner in which Marines of the past conducted themselves. Many Marine customs have been incorporated into regulations in order to tolerateardize conduct throughout the Corps, but some of them cannot be found in compose lookives. clear-sighted and observing these customs, both written and unwritten, is important to each Marine because it keeps him mindful of the heritage and traditions of his Corps, and of his duty to uphold them.In addition, it makes him feel that he is a mathematical function of the team and helps to create the strong bond of loyalty between him and all other Marines that has become a distinguishing mark of the Corps. Have you ever wondered why your nipper stands at attention when they ar playing the National Anthem when you are at a sporting event? You might ask why gul lt you put your hand over your heart? Or, why are you so stiff? I know I have received those questions. much of military customs and courtesies go unknown to a significant portion of this Nations population particularly when appendages of our Corps silently bey those time recognise traditions while in civilian clothes. Here is a short list of things you may or may not know The National Anthem. When played, the emolument section will stand at attention. If covered while in uniform, the dish up member will salute the National Ensign (our flag). It is also appropriate for the service member to turn and face the flag during the playing of the National Anthem.The appropriate civilian performance is to place your right hand over your heart and stand still while facing the flag. Passing of the National Ensign. It is fitting to render proper honors to the Nations ymbol by standing when the flag passes. You will check out this at parades or during a Command Review. For Marines in unifo rm and covered, rendering a salute is also proper. The Salute. Its history dates back a long fashion and there are several versions of why it exists.All theories agree on one thing, it is a courtesy that is offered when two individuals pass, similar to the tipping of a hat to allow in the presence of a lady. In the military, the salute is a greeting between an officer and an enlisted member or between a Junior officer and senior officer. All services, to include the Coast Guard, recognize saluting procedures. Some services apply different constraints on when a salute is rendered. For example, in the Marine Corps, a member will only salute while wearing a cover.In the Army, saluting in Physical Training clothing is appropriate although no cover exists. For all services, the salute begins with the Junior rendering the salute and the senior returning the salute. The sir. This is also the appropriate military greeting for Marines when not covered. Service Songs. Service songs are as historic as the service herself and most military embers take great pride in hearing their song played. For Marines, we consider our Marines sing to be a song that tells our lore and for most, it makes us swell up with pride when we hear it.Accordingly, we stand at attention when it is played. We also recognize our service within the Department of the Navvy and therefore find it fitting to render the same honor to Anchors Aweigh. You will hear both songs played at formal settings such as a Sergeant Major Post and Relief or a Change of Command ceremony. Appropriate civilian action during a service song is to sit and listen with pride. Of course, wed love to see you stand beside us and know that you too are probably lout up with pride for the love of your Marine.Marine Corps Birthday. One of the most famous Marine customs is the observance of the Marine Corps Birthday. Since 1921 the birthday of the Marine Corps has been officially celebrated each year on 10 November, since it was o n this date in 1775 that Continental Congress resolved, That two Battalions of Marines be brocaded. Over the years the Marine Corps Birthday has been celebrated in a wide variety of ways, depending on the location and circumstances of the Marine units.The solemnisation involves the reading of an excerpt from the Marine Corps Manual and a birthday message from the Commandant the cutting of a birthday cake by the absolute officer and the presentation of the first and second pieces of cake to the oldest and youngest Marines present. Recently, the ceremony for the observance of the Marine Corps Birthday by large posts and stations has been incorporated into written directives. Nautical Terms. Many of the Marine Corps customs are derived from the many years of service afloat. Even ashore Marines customarily use nautical terms.Floors are decks, walls are bulkheads, ceilings, overheads, corridors, passageways. The order Gangway is used to clear the way for an officer ashore, Just as i t is afloat. Among other terms in common usage are two-block -to tighten or center (as a necktie) square-away to correctly arrange articles or to take in hand and direct an individual head a arse scuttle-but -a drinking fountain, also an unconfirmed rumor. In the Marine Corps, the nautical expression Aye, Aye, Sir is used when acknowledging a verbal order. Yes, Sir and No, Sir are used in answer to direct questions.Aye, Aye, Sir is not used in answer to questions as this expression is reserved solely for acknowledgement of orders. Reporting Your Post. A custom which affects the guard is the manner in which a sentry reports his post to the officer of the day, or to the officers and noncommissioned officers of the guard. The customary procedure is for the sentry to salute or come to present arms and say, Sir, occult reports Post Number all secure. Post and orders remain the same. Nothing unusual to report. This custom has almost universal use throughout the Marine Corps. It is a member of mouth.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Gay Marriages Make Them Legal: Rebuttal Essay

Thomas Stoddards Gay Marriages Make Them Legal, has some valid points, but I am non convinced nor persuaded to agree that laughable conjugal unions should be legalised. Stoddard begins with the sad story of a homo couple. Karen Thompson and Sharon Kowalski who exchanged vows that were non recognized by the government, and were invigoration with each other in a committed relationship until Kowalski was struck by a drunk driver, which left her paralyzed and unable to communicate more(prenominal) than a few words at a time (para 2). Thompson sought legal guardianship over her partner, which was denied, when Kowalskis parents oppose the petition and were granted doctor guardianship. Once Kowalskis parents received guardianship over her they moved her to a nursing home 300 miles away from her partner and forbade all visits between the devil (para 3).The story of Thomas and Kowalski is a sad story that no couple, gay or straight, should pose to endure however, I dont believe l egalizing gay marriages would go through given their story a different outcome. Case in point Terri Schiavo who was diagnosed by doctors as world in a persistent vegetive state stayed alive for several years via demeanor-support despite the request of her husband to remove the support and allow Terri to expire arguing that his wife would not want to be kept alive by artificial means. Michael Schiavo petitioned the court to have his wifes feeding tube removed he was opposed by Terris parents Robert and Mary Schindler who argued she was conscious.The court ruled in Michaels favor and had the feeding tubes removed only to have it reinstated after the Schindlers filed an collection. The appeal process went on from 2001 to 2005. After all attempts of appeals the court system upheld the original decision to remove the feeding tubes 13 days later Terri died. Despite being the husband of Terri Schiavo Michael had to go through 14 appeals, 5 lawsuits, and numerous motions, going all the way up to the Supreme Court to have his wishes for his wife behave forth. Being the legal husband of Teri made no difference, before he could allow his wishes to be set forth he had to do his due assiduity in court.If Thompson would have sought all legal options and exhausted all of her appeals, it is possible that her case could have had a different outcome. Having their marriage legalized may not have given her the outcome she petitioned the court for, thus weakening the reasons behind legalizing gay marriage. The United States of America is based on Christian principles and in this untaught marriage has been defined as a ghostly and legal commitment between a man and a woman and we should uphold those beliefs. Homo sexual marriage should not be encouraged, it confuses children about gender roles and weakens the definition and respect for the institution of marriage.If gay marriage were legal we would have to ask ourselves if it is in the best raise for the entire county. St oddards has a point when he argues The decision whether or not to marry belongs properly to individuals not the government (para 6). Most would argue that the government does have the right to say what is legal and what is not. However, not all that is legal is moral, especially if it promotes moral deterioration of American society. For instance even though abortion is legal does it mean its moral? Our country should focus on things that are moral whether than the things we as a people feel are fair. If we legalize gay marriage, is that not a gateway for other flagitious behavior? If that is the case, how then, do we expect to bring up future generation with morals and family values?Children follow about expectations of gender roles from their parents first, then society. It is difficult for parents to teach the importance and traditions of the family when the confusion of homosexual marriage is thrust upon them. Legalizing gay marriages will not set a good example for future ge nerations. It will confuse our youth and encourage unhealthy behavior. For instance, an issue analysis done by Family Research Council advocating Faith, Family, and Freedom showed that the life expectancy at age twenty for gay and bisexual men is eight to twenty years fewer than for all men (FRC). In accessory the Suicide Prevention Resource Center estimates that between thirty and forty percent of gay, and lesbian youth depending on age and sex groups, have assay suicide and are four times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people (SPRC).With such statistics we should not allow our children to erect up believing that living a homosexual lifestyle is a healthy choice. If we do, it is possible these statistics will rise causing a larger destiny of our youth to die young. According to Stoddard A married person can share in a spouses estate when there is no will. She is typically entitled to the group insurance and pension programs offered by the spouses employer, and she enjoys tax advantages (para 5). Although these advantages are important, they are not as important as keeping our youth alive with good family morals and values.Lisa Schiffren in Gay Marriage, an Oxymoron had a valid point when she argued Same sex marriage is inherently counter with our cultures understanding of the institution. Marriage is essentially a lifelong compact between a man and a woman committed to sexual exclusivity and the creation and nature of offspring. For most Americans, the marital union as distinguished from other sexual relationships and legal and economic partnership is imbued with an aspect of holiness (Schiffren 754). Allowing immoral acts that go against our countrys beliefs and value does not instill morals in our youth.Instead it will lead to our youth growing up with the prospect that anything goes and that there are no standards to live by if they believe in it it is justified. In order to preserve the values of the United Sates we, as a land should guide our youth to follow our Constitution which is built on Christian faith. Although Stoddard and other gay rights advocates may argue that the government has no say in who shall marry and that same sex marriage will represent equality in all they are not looking at foundation of this country. nine cares about stability in heterosexual unions because it is critical for raising healthy children and transmitting the values that are the basis of our culture (Schiffren 724).Stoddards argument to legalize gay marriages based on allowing homosexuals to have the right to enjoy the benefits and laws of marriage is not strong enough to have the countrys values and beliefs compromised. We have to set the standard for our future not doing so could lead to a nation where laws and values are not valued. Our youth would grow up unordered on gender roles, not valuing the countrys Christian principles, and this countrys definition of marriage being defined as a religious and legal commi tment between a man and a woman. Although we all have the right to commit ourselves to whomever we choose, one should not expect our countrys values and laws to change because he/she chooses to live outside of them.Works CitedLane, Diane. The Whole Terri Schiavo Story. WND. N.p., 24 Mar. 2005. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.The Negative Health cause of Homosexuality. The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2013.Suicidal Behavior among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth. SPRC. American Association of Suicidology (AAS), 2012. Web. 04 Feb. 2013.Barnet, Sylvan, Hugo Adam. Bedau, and Thomas Stoddard. Gay Marriage Make Them Legal. Current Issues and Enduring Questions A Guide to Critical Thinking and Argument, with Readings. capital of Massachusetts Bedford/St. Martins, 1999. N. pag. PrintSchiffren, Lisa. Marriage What Is Its Future. Current Issues and Enduring Questions A Guide to Critical Thinking and Argument, with Readings. By Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Adam. Bedau. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 2002. 723-24. Print

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Systems Development Life Cycle

A structure that a business uses to collect, manage, store, process, retrieve, and report financial information to accountants, consultants, high ranking corporate officers, or tax agencies is the prime definition of an accounting information constitution. Accounting information systems are responsible for every prospect of numerical data in a conjunction and a malfunction could potentially cause a disaster within the corporation. Accountants have different roles in exploiting with accounting information systems including design, implementation, usage, and ownership.These rolls help accountants keep track of a familys budget and other financial documents such as quarterly reports. Accountants also use the different information technology systems in a company to put together reports to persuade investors to keep their money in the company stock or persuade potential investors why placing their money in this company is a good financial decision. Thoroughly studying a bombastic accounting information system can be a very tedious job for this reason, companies put together teams to analyze and handle the development work implementations to the different information technologies in a corporation.Systems study groups begin with a formal analysis of the technology in order to see what issues are deliver in the software or hardware, what implementations need to suck up place, and how to proceed with the repair or update. This step is known as the planning and investigation stage and is the offset stage when determining the route to take when working with the specific company technology. After this preliminary stage, and the systems study group is chosen, the analysis stage takes place to take care the strengths and weaknesses of the particular unit.The next stage, known in the book as design, is when the systems study group determines how to precisely remove a systems weaknesses while apply the systems strengths. If I was working on a project for a compan y, I would ensue this exact model in determining how to march on optimal output from an information system. The final stage in the systems development life cycle is implementation, follow up, and maintenance and in this stage the company sporadically checks on the information system to make sure it is still performing optimally.After making sure the implementation is properly installed, I would do a follow up examination every six months to make sure the system in functioning properly and to determine if further implementation needs to take place to update the system. After the implementation is successfully installed and has been followed up on, the new mission is to locate further challenges the corporation may face, whether it be dated information systems, or the data produced by the information system that affects the company such as budgets and quarterly reports.Challenges that may face a company include loosing roof on technology that is not the most efficient for the corp oration, loosing capital on an unnecessary implementation or company investment, internal fraud, unseen information system malfunctions. When a system study group is formed and the steering committee, high ranking group of top managers that lead the project or projects, determines the best route for the study group to proceed, data should be gathered to properly assess the situation.The five sources of data come from reviewing existing documentation, observing the current system in operation, using open and closed ended questionnaires, reviewing internal control procedures, and interviewing the different participants who have either worked with the system being implemented or done a similar job in the past. The data gathering and data analysis process can effectively reduce the chance of possible future challenges for the company or information system.Any system that is outdated, costing the company more money than necessary or malfunctions needs to be replaced or implemented. If a system is outdated, competition companies who have the same technology will update their systems and be at an advantage thus, if the corporation I was working for had outdated software, I would recommend an further or replacement. Some system operations fees have the potential to bankrupt a company, especially if the technology is drawing a large amount of energy.Malfunctions cannot be tolerated because they are a threat to primary(prenominal) company data and financial paper work. The information held on an accounting information system is extremely important and any loss of documentation would result for a copious amount of which would have to be carried out by managers in the human and production resources division as well as a tedious job for the company team of accountants and executives.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Janmar Coatings Case Analysis

Janmar Coatings, Inc. To Ronald Burns Subject Janmar Coatings, Inc. Suggestions Comments The problem facing Janmar Coatings, Inc. is deciding where and how to exe take downe corporate trade efforts in the southwestern United States. Janmar Coatings is currently marketing to 50 counties, their main concentrate on area so far has been the 11 counties in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The main issue Ronald Burns, the president of Janmar Coatings, is having is trying to come up with a solution to market his company in the most cost effective way during 2005.After 2 long meetings with his executive team he cool it has no clear direction. He has gathered an approach from each of his team members, including VP of Advertising, VP of Sales, VP of Operations, and VP of Finance, and now has four solutions to consider. The VP of Advertising has proposed to accession corporate advertising with an large wildness on television. The VP of Sales proposed hiring a new national exercise to help ge nerate new accounts. The VP of Operations has proposed a 20% harm cut on all Janmar product gross sales.The VP of Finance proposed that nonhing be done that the company continue with their current efforts and keep a 35% contribution margin. After tone at the companys overall goals and finances, I would agree with the VP of Sales. Based on his suggestion, I believe it would be a smart time to adopt a new sales representative for Janmar. The cost attributed to company for hiring a new sales representative would be $60,000 per year. And the amount of sales revenue infallible to cover this expense is $170,000.However, if this sales representative position is correctly used, they testament be able to make this margin back rapidly. Because by concentrating on except developing new retail accounts in the non-DFW area, the company could generate lots of sales to a brand new buyer market. Janmar has realized that they need to focus more energy on the Do-it-yourselfers as they say, or DIY population, and the non-DFW area seems to be where most of these consumers are located. It was mentioned that product prices would need to be lowered 40% in order to attract contractors, but that is not an immediate worry.Janmar needs to focus all their current energies on the DIY consumers and professional painters. Hiring a new sales representative would be the smartest decision right now because they will know every detail of the products and stool the ability to market that properly to each of those consumer segments. However, I have also considered the wrong-doing President of Advertisings suggestion that they should increase advertising expense by $350,000. While initially, increasing advertising expenses sounds like a good thing to do, this decision would almost double the current advertising expenditure.Janmar is spending around 3% of revene on advertising and sales promotions efforts which comes out to approximately $360,000. And while it whitethorn By increasing ad vertising expenses by $350,000, an summing upal $1,000,000 in sales will need to be convalesceed to make up for this expenditure. Mr. Burns makes a legitimate point by saying that 75% of the audience advertised too is not buying paint. With 25% of your audience plainly looking to buy paint, it would not be worth the risk of not increasing sales by $1,000,000, to implement the extra advertising expense.Also, I considered the Vice President of Operations proposal for a 20% price cut on all Janmar Coatings, Inc products. Price cuts are always something that needs to be entered into with entire caution. Even the slightest 1-2% drop in price can lead to a huge drop in margin. In Janmars situation, if they choose to implement a 20% price cut, they decrease their overall sales dollars by $2. 4 mm. And their variable cost will not be effected by this price cut to their cost of goods sold will be held constant.In the end reducing their gross profit by 50%, which is extremely high. By im plementing this price cut too, they would be lowering their contribution margin by almost 60%. While initially, a price cut may seem very appealing to the consumers, the overall toll it will take on the contribution margin and sales dollars generated by Janmar, it would not be a smart decision to motility forward in making that a reality. Now, the Vice President of Finance suggested pursuing the current approach. His idea is that Janmar Coatings has always, and will continue, to be successful.The contribution is high, just because an increase in costs doesnt mean there will be an increase in sales, so why do anything different? Although the VP of Finance has valid points, there is obviously something that needs to be done, or else 22 meetings would not have been necessary. Yes there is a great contribution now, but if things stayed the same, other companies may become more popular and generate more sales than we do and push us out. Based on information from 2004, Janmar currently has a 15% market share in the 50-county service area. If Janmar just stays where they are, they could ose market share as well. It is true that with any expenditure, sales have to increase to reciprocate for those expenditures, but a company cannot merely stay neutral when something absolutely has to be done. There is a way to introduce a plan that will generate sales to compensate for the expenditure. In this case, simply adding a new sales representative seems to be the best, lowest risk, most probable solution in this case. Lastly, to do a more in depth review the Vice President of Sales suggestion to bring on a new field representative to the sales force.The focus for this new representative would be to focus on developing retail account leads and calling on professional painters to suck in new business through dealers. In the overall non-Dallas Fort Worth area, the penetration of Janmar is only 16%, so this representative would only concentrate in this area. Over the last 5 y ears, Janmar has focused most all of the actions toward the DFW area, while the non-DFW area has started to grow. The non-DFW area sales have grown 23% over those 5 years. DIY customers represent a higher percentage of sales than professionals in both areas.However, DIY customers represent 90% of sales in non-DFW areas. Because our contribution margin is 35%, with the addition of a new representative costing $60,000, more or less $171,429 additional in sales would be requisite to recover the expense. With the addition of a sales representative, though, this sales rep could be focused on the non-DFW area and create account leads with more professional painters. The company would need a price cut of about 40% to attract contractors, but if the company could also just create awareness among more professionals in the non-DFW area, more sales could be generated there.Lets not focus on contractors right now, and get the professional sales in the non-DFW area up, and create more accounts with them. Sales in the DFW area and non-DFW area in the last 5 yearsIncrease Advertising Spending (emphasis on television) Current advertising spending 3% of sales=. 03*12mm=$360,000 Sales needed to recover advertising expenditure $350,000/. 35(CM)=$1,000,000 20% Price Cut on all Janmar products Current Sales Gross Profit CM Sales $12mmGross Profit $4. mmCM 40% Sales, Gross Profit, and CM changes after 20% price cut Sales $9. 6mm ($2. 4mm change)Gross Profit $2. 4 mm ($2. 4mm/50% change)CM 25% (60% decrease) Adding another Sales exemplar to the work force Current Sales Reps 8 field reps that cast about $480,000 +commission (assuming they receive the $60,000 salary the new rep would receive) Sales needed to recover new rep expenditure $60,000/. 35 (CM) = $171,428. 57 Janmar Market Share of architectural paint and allied products 15%

Monday, May 20, 2019

Criminology In The Future Essay

This world is constantly changing e truly day. When the world changes, the passel change, and refreshful technology populates, and so does the offensive rates. Criminals allow for try to create new ways to commit crimes. The criminal justice trunk should pay close attention to these new technologies to keep the people safe. Law officials have to follow the faithfulness while development these technologies. Future forward motion lead allow criminology to determine civil liberty and ethical violations, as technology as and will become more(prenominal) of a vital element for fair play industry. Technology has always been a reliable source to law officials. Technology has included several tools such(prenominal) as computers, cameras, maps, DNA systems, and many more that have benefited to law enforcements. New technology will not only solve cases current or conclude why a person murdered a relative of six, but also solve cold cases and also provide a more in-depth face up at the causes of people committing murder and how their brains operate. Robots are being used continuously to help law enforcement baffle crimes. Robots are trained machines that operate faster than a human.The thoughts and practices in criminology will further expand as different crime- battle methodologies and the directions of crime fighting provide different methods of finding criminal activities. New technologies have provided criminals with a whole new class of crimes and have also made it extremely difficult for them to get caught. The job is with new high-tech crime is that criminals are already ahead of law officials. It fair to the people to issue what kind of new technologies will be used in fighting against crimes. Law enforcement should have a more close family to their people since these new technologies are keeping them safe. Law enforcements across the cosmos are developing ways to use more new technology to fight crime. The idea of using these new technologies wi llensure that law enforcers are meeting the demands of fighting crimes. In the future to come, the crime rate should demonstrate a huge difference if these technologies are benefiting law enforcement. GPS monitors are becoming an day-after-day use for law enforcements because it displays how to get the exact location. Law enforcement are now required to use trunk cameras. Body cameras will display up close actions made by law enforcers and the criminal.If these new technologies do not benefit then the result will be that law enforcement failed to do their job. The government faeces only provide so much money to aid to law enforcement. These new technologies are very expensive and should be properly used. Law enforcers will not have to put in as much work to investigate crimes. They will not have to stress ab come to the fore having a lowering workload with the existence of these new forward motions. Crimes will be solved much faster because of the speed of these new advancement . It is a good idea that more new technologies are becoming popular because people will no longer have to stress about these criminals. With these new technologies existing, law enforcers are figuring out how to outsmart these criminals. Law enforcers will have the chance to probably gain a better relationship with the people living the communities. It would not be beneficial to only rely on technology because the people are also important to prevent crimes.Crime is a product of human behavior and criminals will commit crimes in various categories. Many states have merged agencies and have become more in effect(p) in the way of service, but many more are slow to realize the benefits of merging when it comes to fighting globalized crimes. With the help of the people, and the new advancement in this world the crime rate should drop tremendously. The new advancement should be tested and train to use accurately. Technology is making possible better surveillance and monitoring, as well as more comprehensive and accessible databases, which raise concerns about information security and privacy. Although, no one knows for sure how long the crime rate will remain low, but creating more advancement should solve the problem.Criminals will no longer be able to get away with murder, stealing, or doing anything that is considered a crime. To promote police accountability and to provide more objective evidence of law-breaking, it is necessary that the computers and databases should be accurately setup. These technology specific goals, if coupled with attention to the obstacles and challenges inherent in organizationaltechnology adoption, could lead to more effective use of technology by law enforcement organizations nationwide which has the potential to contribute significantly to cosmos safety, long-run cost reduction, and justice. If criminals are caught and punished due to these new technologies then law enforcers should feel rhapsodic about their new improvement to th e criminal justice system.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Conflict and resolution

In preparing to make this particular essay, much to my consternation I could non immediately think somewhat a conflict that may be appropriate to nor sacrifice I put in something that must be worth telling. After debating about the onerous and numerous conflicts that had already occurred in my sprightliness, there is a particular problem that I had found worth telling. It would not be awry(predicate) if I had chosen to talk about the inner turmoil that had surfaced in my life the turmoil that is piety. Upon attain the age of awareness and understanding(a), it had been a long standing question for me whether or not I would earn up the religion that my parents that had adopted or to continue tradition and take up my grandparents long standing religion.The background of this familial conflict is dated when I was slake small, approximately, at the age of 9 or 10. My inner turmoil then continued on when I was in my adolescent years and in conclusion resolved when I was nearing t he age of nineteen. My inner conflict, my religious affiliation, had been resolved by deciding not to further choose the two religions that were pushed to me by my elders but I have chosen to open myself up with the adventure that religious affiliations will not be the only way for me to come to terms with my faith in a Higher Being.Notice that I have used the term Higher Being? I accept it to be a wise last curiously when later I would present the main curtilage for it. Relating this tear-jerking experience is at some degree hard for me. It was tear-wrenching since I remembered myself tears over it a gallus of times and I remembered myself frustrated and flustered with the idea. At the young age of 9 or 10, my grannie poked around my own feelings about the change in religion that my mother, and eventually, my father had taken.Raised to an honesty policy, I found it hard to just let the topic die down with a simple affirmative answer. I confessed to them my confusion and my own conflict, since for at least 9 years of my life I had grown to cognize my grandparents religion. It was just innocent enough and maybe too nave and unguarded. After that particular conversation, I proverb my mother crying in my parents room. Guessing the reason why, I had come to a realization that I had put my mother in a deeper fix than she was before.My grandparents are Catholics and my mother chose another religion that my nan was skeptical about. This particular religion hush up involves worshipping God but its ways are different from that of my grandparents. My grandmother and my mother had a row about it and eventually there was a rift between them. They were tacit in speaking terms but twain of them had conveniently forgotten about the issue of religion. In fact, my grandmother tolerated my mothers decision and my mother tolerated my grandmothers opinions. This was the routine until I was about to enter high school years.It could then be seen here that my conflict started when I witnessed my mother crying over something that I had said to my grandmother. It seems that my grandmother blamed my mother for the state of confusion that I was in at that time. After the incident, I have well-read a little tact and learned to chair my tongue when it comes to religious outbursts. Personally, this would have been left as is given that I was still young and play was my main concern. But the incident has glued on to my head for a few to a greater extent years.I did not anticipate that it would take a better half of my life fighting over and pretending that I believed in what both parties were telling me. Eventually, I had taken up my parents religion for a while and I was content at that time. But as time passed by, I became restless with the mind boggling experiences that I have witnessed. Take for example my other relatives they began beholding my mother as a deviant and that her religious choice was highly dubitable.As an adolescent, my parents had provided me certain independence and other liberties to explore my own self. They may still have influenced me greatly but in this particular subject, they could not sway me from my convictions. I had given my parents religion a find and engaged in activities that were thrust upon me. The fusses that the activities had made me forget, temporarily though, my inner turmoil. Only when I began school once more that I was able to fully recover the idea from the back of my mind.During this time, my grandparents had slowly changed their opinions about my mother seeing that this change did not become destructive. But the scene kept playing in my head and it grows more vivid by the time passes by. In school, I would ask other batch regarding religion and still could not find a satisfactory answer. My inquiries had taken me nowhere but deeper than I was before. It was later that sunshine service could no longer satisfy my growing need for an answer. It came to a point that I or so beca me an atheist, and blamed my parents for it. The redeeming factor that came into my mind was due to the pastors statement that God loves me heedless of what I have become.This display of unconditional love had made me realize that there is more to life than just religious affiliations. I could even remember having a heated debate with a genius regarding my opinion. It is in my strong belief that a Higher Being, regardless of who he/she is, would actually accept me for what I am. I do not think that my values and/or virtues would have a direct bring together with what religious affiliation that I would take. Seeing other religious people and their fervor in proving whose religion is much better only makes me shake my head in disbelief.The shock that such juvenile dither could still ensue among adults, like my mother and grandmother, had led me to a decision that would not hurt both adults and would benefit me as a person. What is religion then? They say that religion is a certain scheme of belief but this definition may have been problematic still and that the problem of the definitions are still at large now (Robinson). For me, religion became a hindrance to a contented life. It made me stir up thinking that I had to choose and that I had to set myself with the restrictions and limitations that the religions have.In the end, I had chosen a path where I could actually be satisfied with. Some people would still nag me about it and some people may scorn me about it but this decision actually works in my life. It may give way too pragmatic and impermanent but this is how I could cope with after the pressures that I had. I learned here that inquiries and a degree of skepticism would not be bad especially when a decision is something that could be of great importance. Doubting should not be taken negatively but it should be embraced especially when it could help resolve things as well as finding satisfaction in decisions and how it was arrived.Works CitedRobi nson, B.A. Definitions of the Word piety. 2007. September 23 2007. .

ICT- Is the understanding of different information and verifying information from data and knowledge

ICT- Is the understanding of different discipline and verifying information from data and knowledge. How information is communicated and the different types of technology involved. Systems involving computers. Transfer of data and the different types of transfers.ICT does non always involve computers any sort of data being processed into information involves ICT.The Impact of ICT on the practice of medicine industryThis assignment lead describe how ICT has affected the general public via the symphony industry. medical specialty is everywhere nowa mean solar days in many different forms but many pack do non realise how much of it is ICT based. Its amazing how much of music now relies on computers to run. Music is usually stored in digital format on CD, Minidisk or DVDs. All stages of music end product require some seek of ICT involvement from recording to actual CD manufacture .The musician will record the music via microphones that will record and then computers will be use d to enhance the quality of the music and then the lowest touches are added. The net has in like manner benefited the music industry as people can download music very quickly efficiently but this has also meant that the rate of plagiarisation has increased. Most people wouldnt call up how much it is costing the artists and producers, the figure I millions. Broadband has also helped step up the downloading music from the internet especially from peer to peer networks such as KAZAA. An example of a study internet piracy bust would be Audio galaxy which was closed down due to it releasing music without licenses.ICT has meant that music can be stored instantly and randomly so that it can be edited and mixed for production even by home users. Music has become portable and even phones nowadays have musical instrument digital interface ring tones that can be transferred using a PC. Phones even allow music recorded onto them for by and by listening. This just shows how many day to da y products are being integrated with music technology and how essential music is becoming to society. Most phones that are being released currently come with integrated radio and also stereo headphones. Storing music on computers has meant the urge for more memory and the reason memory on computers is necessitate so much is due to the storage of music. Although ICT has created many new jobs it has also meant that many jobs have been muddled due to the fact many jobs have become automated e.g. CD production.An amazing event involving a surprising computer program called EMI (Experiments in Musical Instruments) performed at a concert by committal to writing Mozarts 42nd symphony but the amazing thing is that Mozart only wrote 41. This program was able to replace a musician and compile a whole symphony. This program is able to recognise a composers signature (the characteristic pattern a composer tends to use over and over again). This shows how computers are more and more replaci ng humankind and doing their jobs. Computers have also meant that many new highly skilled jobs are on offer for people who have degrees in the computer section. Overall ICT has affected society as a whole and day by day more and more people are becoming dependant on computers. to the highest degree everything runs on or is guided by computers and most scary of all our lives balance on the computers. preteen people have also become addicted to games and surfing the net causing parents a major problem.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Gran Torino Film Review

Gran Torino Gran Torino is an American drama picture show, released in 2008 film directed and produced by and also starring Clint Eastwood. Set in Detroit, Michigan it was the first mainstream U. S. film to quality Hmong Americans. Gran Torino was a critical and commercial success, grossing nearly $270 million worldwide and is also said to be Clint Eastwoods most successful film, however as like many films Gran Torino received some(prenominal) praise and criticism. Gran Torino tells the story of Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood), a grizzled Korean War veteran whose wife deep passed away. Walt lives alone with his dog in a Detroit, the neighborhood hes lived in for well everywhere 30 years in no longer populated as he would say sink middle class white folks, but has turned into an Asian neighborhood. A Hmong family lives next door, a grandmother, single mother and her two teenagers Thao (Bee Vang) and work on (Ahney Her).Thao is quiet and intelligent but very shy, where as Sue is very outgoing and fearless. The local Asian gang led by Thaos cousin tries to recover Thao. Thao does not have a choice because you cannot say no to a gang, they talk him into trying to fall away Walts 1972 Gran Torino, Walt Stops it from happening but Thao gets away unrecognized. Then Thao is forced by his babe and mother to work for Walt in an effort for the attempted to steal his car.The two become very come together as Walt sees the good and potential in Thao and teaches him how to be a man and clue clear of the gang. Walt vows to protect Thao, setting the stage for a showdown with the gang. Clint Eastwood is rattling great to watch in this movie, his acting throughout Gran Torino really convinces you that he is a retired old war veteran, who has seen it all and is frightened of nothing. The way he confronts trouble throughout the film is impressive especially in the one video where he comes up against three men harassing Sue on her walk.From my point of view there argo n a few camera angles portrayed throughout the scenes of the film, but there is hardly and visual effect or anything else, I think what makes this movie a good hit is Clint Eastwoods attitude showed in his acting and the rest of the actors as well, and yes of course during the film Walt is very racists and says lots of different ethnic comments but the point is, well the point that I noticed was that Walt starts to look past and see the people for who they really are not just look at their race or where they come from.This movie is correct for Clint Eastwood fans or young adults and older, I wouldnt really say it is for teenagers because they might not fully generalise the film and just think that Walt is a grumpy old man who just gets fired up over nothing. I rate it a 4 out of 5.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Prosperity of India Essay

The way Indian economy is reservation progress for the last few years, is fairly rapid and impressive. Continuation of the same trend in the nigh five years should result in substantial advancement in prosperity as compared to real countries. However, complacency provoke be disastrous for every country. Also there is no harm to disembowel further fillip to growth rate in future. With this attitude I would like to suggest the pursuance ares of improvement for aster development of Indias economic prosperity and security. 1.Indias achievement in the field of teaching technology, particularly in software development has been very impressive and very frequently talked about. But it is expenditure noting that approximately of Indias software and other IT services companies, including IT found business process outsourcing derive a very big chunk of their business from overseas business. This means that India is not able to make much use of IT to improve the effectiveness and eff iciency of its business and other economic operations. This also reflects the low precedence bequeathn by Indian business to improve quality, effectiveness and efficiency.I believe, that to become a major economic power in the world, it is necessary to develop the best capabilities in much wider sphere of technology, quite a than just providing services to other companies and business that use such services to achieve high take aim of efficiency and effectiveness. 2.Performance of industries is being harmed by narrow considerations of regionalism and casts. While the compulsion to earmark support support to infra developed regions and under(a)- countenance sections cannot be denied. I very much doubt if their interest is best served by help them in ways that bring down the level of performance in businesses and public life. Any invidious treatment to specific region or set of people should pass the test of a straightlaced cost benefit analysis. Of the various pr diddleic es shooted in name of social justice, the matchless that hurts the country most, is denying opportunities for to those who can serve national interest best, by assigning responsibilities for such work and result to the incapable and incompetent.I believe all(a) scheme enforced by government for preferential treatment for employment based on caste or region should be replaced by schemes to develop the capabilities of such under privileged people so that they can contribute to the national wealth. National wealth cannot be increased by just consuming it without contributing to its creation. 3.There is a need to cut down on corruption and inefficiency in thegovernment. This can be done very effectively by employing information technology. The right to information act has made some impact. But already there are moves from many government to limit the desktop of this act on many different pretexts. I believe by developing and implementing effective systems that observe and control pe rformance of individual in government jobs, performance of the country as a substantial volition improve automatically.Thank Writer scuttlebutt BlurtAnonymous ProfileAnonymous answeredIndia need improvement in all spheres so that it could also be counted as the developed country. People should adopt family planning programmes to reduce the population of the country. Better education and medical facilities should be abided. Agriculture should be improve because more than half of the population is distantmer. Come on IndiaNow its our timeThank Writer Comment BlurtAnonymous ProfileAnonymous answeredIndia should provide girl education in inelegant areas so that the girls could also study and can be the future of the nation.Some parents also did not send their child to the check because of the following reasons- 1.School can be far from the home and there would be no conveyance.2.Parents could not pass on the fees of the school.3.The child could be discriminated just like Om Pra kash Velky. 4.Proper teachers could not be available.So Indian Government should provide proper education in the rural areas specially and should take strict action to the education of the rural areas.Thank Writer Comment BlurtAnonymousAnonymous commented1.child labour must be mob2.women of the society should be protectedAnonymous ProfileAnonymous answeredIndia lacks literacy, n literacy can remove all the social evils from the country and making it a secular, safe, n prosperous country. We people living in the urban areas are not at all satisfied by what is happening then try to conceive of of those living in remote areas, they simply lack everything. The things that at once have become a staple fibre necessity for us are out of reach for some people or say most of the Indias population like electricity, water supply. Dowry, child marriage are the evils that need to be debarred today from the roots. N Literacy is the only mean to do that. Girl education can make a far improvemen t. It could remove almost all the evils that India is affected by.Thank Writer Comment Blurtprem R S Profileprem R S answeredCommon Education, Common law( Civil code) No religious favourism, no cast, volume , minority concepts should be avoided. Nationalsim should be encouraged..India is the world leader. All should be equal without cast and creed. Only one difference should be there, ie, havings and have nots. That means under economic conditions. Give them what they needed. If educationally backward provide them, Money for study give them. If money is there and lack of development in that region, provide it.If health problem arrang for it. Think first and ask first What is the problem in each and every area.No holidays under religious consideration. Only weekend holidays only.Each and every person should have the right to take leave on their respective festivals and enjoy it. All others should come to the office and vice versa.No HINDu law, or christian or Islam.Should take good from all and be implimented. If giving scholorship provide to all poor people without considering his cast and only consider his economic conditions.All students and people should express their views , ideas through proper channel(agency) what they want and to become set aside them help for it afterexamining his qulaity for that. A good Nation without Religous favourism . That could develop. STudy and teach All are brothers. No scams It will destroy the minds of new generation.Think positively andact positively by policians and leaders who are influencing the society.Should give importance to (50%) agriculture.Without eating we could do nothing. Control population . One or Two. Give the new line of descent baby full facilities( up to 2 childeren) If more than that number, it is responsibility of their own and it nver of the STATE(Govt) and never give them any assistance. Always in the mind that INDIA THE WORLD LEADER

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Using international entrepreneurship to drive a small business Dissertation

Using international entrepreneurship to bait a small business - Dissertation ExampleThe concerned come with which is now in amity is Crave Outsourcing Group. A group of very professional individual which is a rapidly growing outsourcing libertine specialized in providing integrated outsourcing solutions to small and medium sized businesses (SMB) and blue-chip clients in the UK, Nigeria and across the globe.This is founded in April in 2008 which is a largely growing private firm. There atomic number 18 three directors Femi Odunmbaku Alexander Ihebuzor Seun Akinpelu A three successful professional striving hard to achieve their goal in achieving the edge on others companies and off course they had suffered hard yet managed to cop up with the challenges they pass faced during last grades. As the rapid decrease has been seen in the sales of this firm. It is calculated that the turn everyplace of this conjunction for the year 2010 was UK - ?85,000 Approx (fiscal 2010). This compan y has managed to retain a god position still in the market by holding a valuable place in a commercial area in London as the company headquarters. The main object lens to write this innovative overcompensate is to share the crises the company has faced and to identify the amount issue and manage to find out the solution. The companies was in crises since 2010 the third year f its operational operative company experience the disaster as tremendous change in the sale. Its sales low overpower up to a significant figure. in this report we will discuss all the features. Objectives The biggest question and objective to run a successful business lies on the core question like How to effectively and successfully operate an presidential term. It requires an extensive amount of training, skills, knowledge and experience yet an intelligent investment. Although organizations over time befool become very complex and competitive and using every mean to get an edge over others. The company managers must understand the concept of management in order to effectively run an organization. It takes a lot of savvy and skills to supervise employees and run an organization. The company who faces crises up and cannot stand against those crises has the biggest reason in regulate of lack of management skills and timely correct decisions. Managers, Supervisors and skilled or technical staff are roughly of the most important individuals in an organization. As they set the tone and culture for an organization. They have to get the employees to barter for into the culture and policy of the organization. Furthermore, the manager is responsible for solving problems and motivate the employees to achieve the target. They also have the state to make sure that employees are working effectively. They must also strive to make sure the organization is profiting or providing a quality service. Supervisors should possess leadership characteristics. They must be able to recognize the milita ry group and weakness in their followers. Also, a manager must be able to delegate responsibilities and motivate their employees. They should have good communication skills and know how to read their employees. Nothing is more exciting than growing a easy business, but nothing is more dangerous for a prosperous business than growth. - Steve Meisenheimer The main objective of this report is to cover all and every aspect which evolves in making an organization. Like What should your unexampledly organization fancy like? What is the performance of the company? The yearly revenue generated by the company. What are the key factors involved in the success or failure of the policies The core factors evolve in the failure and lower revenue What are the successful strategies companies had or should have When should you add each new position? How will you manage the new hires? What education and skills should each of them have? What contribution should you expect from each employee? Can y ou afford all the new people youll need? Even for those successful companies, answering these questions can be taxing, if not overwhelming. You might agree, however, that these questions should be answered before you begin the

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Lead me from untruth to truth, from darkness to light, death to life Essay

maneuver me from untruth to truth, from darkness to light, death to life - Essay ExampleThere are approximately battalion who live in eternal darkness and die in it. And there are some more(prenominal) privileged ones (by nature, or by some unknown destiny) who live in spaces and times brightly lighted with noble emotions and lovely acts. But the greatest of all are those who overcome the darkness in their lives finished self- existingization and the will to act accordingly, because only they are capable of choosing their destiny. This is wherefore this essay envisages to illustrate and upraise that every human being, however immersed in darkness he/she is, has the potential to traverse the difficult bridle-path from darkness to light. Mathew has been my school mate and friend for two years but then suddenly he stopped coming to the school. When I tried to contact him, I felt he did not same(p) that. I felt being looked upon by him as a nuisance whenever I went to meet him in his village town. Gradually, I gave up and went my demeanor. He never returned to the school and then I heard that he was spending his nights away in gambling casinos in the nearby town with his step father, who had picked up a passion for this game and turned lucky. I also heard news that they were winning big gold in the game. It was after three years that I saw him again. He had put on some weight. This time he was happy to see me and we spent an evening reminiscing our school days. I reminded him what a honest athlete he was but he shrugged and said he did not regret leaving the studies and the school. It was visible(a) that he had earned a lot of gold. He was wearing a very expensive typesetters case and fitting accessories including a Rolex watch and a Mont Blanc pen. But I pressed him to tell me whether he was proceed with his other two passions, painting and mountaineering. He told me he was not getting enough time for that. He told me also that every year he was e arning more than the double of the previous years income. On further talks, he revealed that his father had left his mother who disapproved of their gambling and that his girlfriend also left him as well. I asked him why he was chasing money as if there is nothing else in the world. He said, you people think that money is evil. But in this world, money can buy you anything. At that moment, I had to tell him that he was sprightliness in a world of illusion but he said it was my illusion (Plato, 1987, p.177). Though we had a nice evening that day, I felt he was moving towards the darker areas of human existence. And I could realize that he was already looking conquer on me as an unlucky guy who had yet to struggle his way up the ladder through the boring text books, projects and so on. Four years after that meeting, at one time again destiny brought us face to face with each other. I chanced upon him on a commuter train train where I found him sitting engrossed in a book. I felt cu rious. afterward we exchanged greetings he suddenly became silent. Then he asked me, Do you remember telling me that I was existent in a world of illusion? I nodded. He suddenly held my hands and said, I confuse woke up from that world of illusion. And he told me his story from where we left it four years back. On an evening that he realized his new girl friend was cheating on him in the game, he aimlessly strolled down the street. The girl had been collaborating with another man to help him win the game as she had developed an intimate blood with that man without the knowledge of my friend. He was slightly depressed. The ugly face of truth that he had no real friends at all, was annoying him a little. Of late, he was loosing money in the game and those whom he thought as close to him were showing him a cold face. How blind I have been to trust them,

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Priority Health Issue Report and Critical Analysis of Health Promotion Essay

priority Health Issue Report and Critical Analysis of Health Promotion Initiatives - Essay Example ternion is through the use of a priority ara to be determined by examining the cost to individuals and the community. A higher cost will imply a higher level of prevalence (Diabetes Australia & Australian Diabetes Society, 1988). possible to change is also a method that may be used. Having evaluated the health status of the country, the government has pinpointed the following(a) health priority issues. First are the groups that are currently experiencing some forms of health inequities. Second are the rapidly increasing levels of preventable chronic diseases such as mental complications, cardiovascular diseases, permanent hindrance and increased mortality rate. Third are the growing and the ageing population, as Australias life hope rate continues to increase.The Australian health care system has made great(p) contributions in the improvement and victuals of good health status fo r the Australians. The health care system works with the government to fund the healthcare of prevalent and private bodies. This is in addition to rehabilitation, treatment and diagnosis systems. The system has also extended its cover to each citizens and people can now participate in private health insurance to extend their healthcare coverage. Australias healthcare system has also focused on improve technology to better their run to the people. To improve the health status, the Australian healthcare system in collaboration with the federal government has hurl in place professional and regulatory associations that look on the credibility and applicability of the laid garbage down healthcare approaches and their benefit to the public (Scoggins, RAND Europe, & Rand Corporation, 2008).To address Australias health priorities, various actions will be of great importance. First is the use of the public health approach through what has been defined as

Monday, May 13, 2019

Acceptance of Children With Disabilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Acceptance of Children With Disabilities - Essay Examplerelation to the education and new(prenominal) services they provide. This means they must plan ahead, identify barriers to learning and, as far as possible, fruit action to remove them schools are also required to draw up accessibility plans. (http// (1995) is of the view that self-made inclusion of a child in a classroom setting consists of three key factors. The archetypical factor comprises of the attitude of the teacher. Throughout the school day, young children without disabilities are able to perform a yield of tasks that a disabled child may not be able to carry out or may have difficulty in executing. Thus, it often falls upon the teacher to administer the situation in such a manner that the disabled child does not feel humiliated and/or self-aware about his inability. In addition, the teacher also has to help the children without disabilities to unders tand and be sensitive towards his/her peer(s).

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mobile Online Gambling in the United States Essay

prompt Online Gambling in the United States - Essay ExampleMobile online manoeuvre in the United States has run low so placerageously flargond up with traditional gambling being translated into smooth online applications that atomic number 18 carried out with simplistic touches and delicate presses. Although it was initially denied legalization way back in 2002, online gambling, particularly fluid online gambling has been decriminalized with a lower court dissenting that the Federal Wire Act does not rule out online gambling on a game of chance. As a will, various online platforms have designed various mobile online gambling that includes poker, casinos, sports betting, bingo, lotteries, and horse racing betting among others.The most common tools used to participate in a mobile online gambling are tablet computers, smart phones, and even mobile phones. And in 2011, it has been found that at that place are more than twelve online casinos doing gambling operations. These mobi le casino games are able to rake billions of dollars out from the pocket of mobile gambling enthusiasts. The money is generated by participants making bets on a particular game, which are then paid through credit cards, debit cards or through various electronic commerce business companies such as PayPal or Skrill.Many signs have confirmed the rapidly change magnitude participation of gamblers in mobile gambling. In the United States, the surge cropped up as a result of the repealing of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement of 2006, allowing people to reengage in mobile online gambling. Projections come out to show that more and more people are drawn to involve in the online gambling market activities, especially with more smart phones and tablet computers upgrading their features. Although, many casinos use simulated monies in carrying out online gambling, today there are over 100 mobile online games that allow the use of genuine money.This ongoing development in the mobile g ambling is projected to rise indefinitely. The projections can

Saturday, May 11, 2019

40 questions about corporate finance Coursework

40 questions about corporate finance - Coursework characterWhat was his annual rate of return on this sculpture?4. You expect to receive $17,000 at graduation in two years. You plan on investing it at 9 percent until you have $94,000. How long depart you wait from now? (Do non round your intermediate calculations.)8. Teder Corporation stock currently sells for $55 per share. The commercialize requires a 13 percent return on the firms stock.Required If the company maintains a constant 6 percent growth rate in dividends, what was the most recent dividend per share paid on the stock?10 Suppose you know a companys stock currently sells for $70 per share and the required return on the stock is 16 percent. You also know that the total return on the stock is evenly divided between a capital gains yield and a dividend yield. Required If its the companys policy to always maintain a constant growth rate in its dividends, what is the current dividend per share?14. Imprudential, Inc., has an unfunded pension liability of $ d million that must be paid in 18 years. To assess the value of the firms stock, financial analysts trust to discount this liability back to the present. If the relevant discount rate is 8.5 percent, what is the present value of this liability?23You take in a portfolio equally invested in a risk free asset and two stocks. If one of the stocks has a beta of 1.6 and the total portfolio is equally as risky as the market, what must the beta be for the other stock in your portfolio?25. Your coin collection contains 59 1943 silver dollars. If your grandparents purchased them for their face value when they were new, how much exit your collection be worth when you retire in 2033, assuming they appreciate at a 7 percent annual rate?26. You own a portfolio that has $2,500 invested in declivity A and $3,750 invested in Stock B. If the expected returns on these stocks are 9 percent and 14 percent, respectively, what is the expected return on the portfoli o?(Do not round your intermediate calculations.)34. You own a

Friday, May 10, 2019

Delegation in Nursing Care Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Delegation in Nursing C atomic number 18 - Assignment ExampleAs the discussion outlines, based on the scenario presented in the case, it would be prudent for go up to begin by attention to the most pressing issues. The most pressing issue, according to the case, that Rose should attend to first is Mr. R. in style 228 whose pain medication is already late. This is because Mr. R. is feeling a lot of pain and his health might throw if not attended to immediately. Therefore, it would be very critical for Rose to leave everything she intended to do to find that Mr. R. receives the necessary attention to save him from his immense pain.If the reporter were the charge nurse, the following is how I would have do the patient assignment at the beginning of the shift Firstly, the reporter would have ensured that all the patients in get of urgent care are attended to first. For instance, it emerged that Mr. R is complaining that his pain medication is late. Therefore, to avoid much(prenom inal) situations, I would have ensured that all patients in dire need of care are attended to first. This pull up stakes be followed by ensuring that all the delegable tasks are assigned to different nurse assistants to ensure that all patients are attended to on time. Delegation would ensure that I only handle tasks, which are not delegable, much(prenominal) as those involving patient assessment, evaluation and judgment. From the list provided, there are a number of tasks which Rose cannot delegate. Firstly, Rose cannot delegate activity. This is because activity involves an assessment of the patient. Assessment activities must be done by a registered nonrecreational nurse, thus cannot be delegated. Secondly, Rose cannot delegate activity two since the activity involves the admission of medications, which must be administered by a registered professional nurse.